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The first time I saw Arthur’s video, I cried. I was so humbled and moved by his magnificent spirit and relentless determination.

A disabled veteran who was told he would never again walk without assistance, Arthur took back control of his life and his health.

His video went viral and has now been viewed over 6 million times.

Even if you’ve already seen it, watch it again.

What an inspiration he is.

If you can’t see the video, click here.


Goal: Exercise 5 days this week

Days toward goal: 5 (goal met!)

Today’s Workout: Cathe Friedrich’s Muscle Max DVD

I heard about Ernestine Shepherd a couple of years ago and was immediately, as my British friends would say, gobsmacked.

She is a marvel. She is an inspiration. And she could totally kick my ass (although I don’t think she would because she seems like a very nice, non-ass-kicking person).

Photo: Huffington Post

Ernestine is — wait for it — 75 freaking-years-old and holds the Guinness World Record for Oldest Female Competitive Bodybuilder. And, get this, she didn’t even start working out until she was 56! That’s like 25 years older than I am right now. Or 11. Whatever.

So every time negative thoughts or excuses enter my head, I think of Ernestine. I imagine her telling me that anything’s possible. I imagine her telling me that it’s never too late to start living a better life. I imagine her telling me that I’m strong and capable.

And then I imagine her kicking my ass. (In the nicest way possible, of course.)

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